Our community is very diverse. We have young and old, foreigners and nationals, surfers, skaters, students, etc. We have healthy, happy people and people whose lives are turned upside down. We are committed to being an eclectic and diverse group with the common bond of finding a better life together through Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Bible is clear in stating that the "Church" is not a building, nor a service, but a community of people who have chosen to believe and follow Jesus Christ. At 5:30 pm we gather for snacks and at 6:15 pm we start the communion time.
We believe that we were freed, because of the sacrifice and love of the Lord Jesus, to live adventurous, selfless and fulfilling lives! To celebrate this freedom, we started every church service with a surf session! We meet at 2 pm at church, to begin our worship of God by enjoying the waves He created! Contact Samuel Cianelli +351 918 878 178, for more information.
Bate Papo Bíblico
The Bate Papo Bíblico in Portuguese takes place on Fridays, every other week, at 7:30 pm. We meet at Nil's house to always discuss a different topic and we always base ourselves on what the bible tells us about this topic. For more information about the location, contact Nil +351 938 228 021.
Our mission is to help women discover their worth in the eyes of their loving Heavenly Father and how to reflect their virtuous nature, enabling them to create waves disciples. Contact Nil +351 938 228 021, for more information.
Surf Camp
This is a week-long camp where participants not only get practical and theoretical help to improve their surfing at any level, they are also engaged in gospel centered teaching about the bible, faith, who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. Find out here the Surf Camp Registration for 2023.
Prayer is an important part of everything we do. We have a live prayer time on Instagram every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am. Just join us on Instagram, share your request and pray with us. We pray for things that are happening in the lives of our church members, events, personal challenges. And also, we take this moment to thank you for all the great things that God has already done in our midst.
Bible Study
These are Bible study groups that aim to strengthen the communion of Surf Church. Through an informal time of fellowship, a meditation on the Scriptures, and worship of God, we want to strengthen our community's relationships. Not only those who already know us are welcome, but all those who are interested in knowing more about the Bible and Jesus Christ. The groups have weekly meetings in English on Thursdays at 7 pm. For more information contact Jan Johnson +351 932 297 301