Surf Church is a community of people who have found, or are currently discovering “fullness of life” as Jesus has promised in the Bible (John 10:10). We worship together, surf together, study together, eat together, and walk through life together. We have found that everything is better when we open our hearts to personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. All things then, from surfing to creating art become acts of worship, as we do what we love for the One we love.
Our mission is to breathe life and reflect light into the surf, skate and student population of Northern Portugal. We intend to do this primarily by investing in personal relationships with whomever God leads into our lives.
Further, we offer consistent community events, including a weekly church service, where we teach scripture and continue to pour out the message that our Father in heaven loves us deeply, and is welcoming us back to relationship with Him!
All races, creeds, orientations and ages are more than welcome to join our community. However, we are very clear that we believe in Jesus the Christ as our Lord and Savior and that there is no other way to have peaceful and intimate relationship with the Father, than through relationship with Jesus, the Son. Essentially, only in relationship with Jesus, and belief in what He did on the cross, do we find forgiveness from sin, friendship with God and freedom in our souls.
Week by week, we teach and study the truths displayed in the Bible. We believe that the love of God fueled the communication found in the scriptures. Essentially we experience God’s love by trusting in Him to fill us with Holy Spirit, and by following what He taught through the prophets, the apostles, and most importantly, His Son Jesus Christ.
We believe in God the Father. We believe in His Son Jesus, the Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We believe in the Holy Spirit, dwelling within those who believe in the Lord Jesus and have accepted the gift of eternal life.